MEET DR. CAROL SHERMAN COVENANT PARTNERS LIVE VIDEOS 2014 Church & Pastors Anniversary CONTACT DR. SHERMAN Pg 1 of 08 Participants Discriptions COVENANT PARTNERS APPLICATION 2008 Conference & Vendors Reg. Form Dr. Sherman's Speaking Engagments BOOKS AND CD'S Links to Dr. Sherman's Other Ministries GUESTBOOK,TESTIMONIES/PRAYER REQUEST DR. CAROL SHERMAN'S MINISTRY Pg 2 of 08 Participants Discriptions 2007 Becoming a Woman of Excellence Conference Pictures PAGE 2 OF 2007 Conference Participants Pictures Photos of Dr. Sherman Ministering Photo Album Picture Slides of Up Coming 2008 Conference Particip DR. SHERMAN'S UPCOMING EVENTS PROPHETICALLY SPEAKING 2008 WOMEN OF INFLUENCE, POWER & EXCELLENCE CONFERENCE